Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Country South Korea

City Seoul

Minimum Requirements:

Master - IELTS 5.5 / TOPIK 3

Bachelor - IELTS 5.5 / TOPIK 2

Language courses - without IELTS / TOPIK

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies is a private research university based in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The university was founded in 1954 to promote foreign language education in post-war Korea. The university is located in Seoul and Yongin. The university has 60 departments and offers 53 different language courses. The name of the university is derived from the romanization of the Korean word Hankuk  which means Korea. The university is considered one of the best private higher education institutions in South Korea, especially on foreign language and social science. It has a graduate school of interpretation and translation.

 English Literature and Culture 

Public Administration 

Media & Communication  

Business and Economics

Scholarship conditions IELTS 6.5/ TOPIK 3

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